What is Society 4.0?

Society 4.0 is the global, meta-community of architects, designers, artists and builders that recognizes the urgent need to redesign the value systems, reward systems, and social contracts underpinning modern society.

The emerging global Society 4.0

The Society 4.0 Map is the interactive map and platform to make visible and further galvanize this movement of people who are actively and methodically redesigning outmoded social contracts.


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Be part of the community of people who recognize the urgent need to redesign the value systems, reward systems, and social contracts underpinning society.

To find out more about Society 4.0, visit Medium.com/Society4.

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Updates from Society 4.0, the emerging meta-community redesigning the value systems, reward systems, and social contracts underpinning society.


Creator of the Society 4.0 Map and publisher of Society 4.0 Deep Analysis. https://medium.com/society4 https://society4.substack.com/